
Rain on one of the front windows.
Droplets on leaves and blades of grass.


A small nature walk...a sparrow fledgling, lichen on an elm tree trunk, an old fence post and berry bush blooming, a red maple leaf and water droplets, a plant gone to seed, an old tree trunk.


Raw chocolate truffles, on an antique silver tea tray with an antique silver tea service.
From front to back on the last picture, the truffles are: mint chocolate, lemon basil with a raspberry drizzle, orange honey with a dried papaya garnish, maple spice with cacao nibs.
They were all delicious, but the mint chocolate and lemon basil were the winners.


The peony bushes scattered around our yard have been blooming in full force.
There are various size glass bowls, vases and jars scattered around the house,
filled with the large, fresh blossoms, and a few opening buds.
The musty, spicy smell of the blossoms carried throughout the house by the breeze coming through the open windows is heavenly.