
Slow, sweet days


Backyard picnic for lunch

Afternoon painting. She told me that it is a baby in a mommy's uterus


Empty space

Empty space.
A couple more weeks to go and our moving truck will be here...
it will have been a month since we've seen the majority of our earthly possessions
and I have mixed feelings on everything getting here.
Yes, I will be glad to see some of our things.
Yes, we are blessed with many niceties and our needs have always been more than met.
There is a large portion of me though that doesn't want these empty spaces filled.
The discomfort of blank space has become familiar, peaceful, calming.
These last few years have been a gradual move into simplifying,
removing clutter from our home, but also our hearts and minds,
freeing up more space for each other.
If nothing else, empty space reminds us of what truly matters
in this world - love and gratitude.


Fairy houses and nature art

Collecting stones, pinecones, fallen leaves and twigs to be made....

...into two little fairy houses

Mama's make nature art too


Pinecone castles

Collected pinecones waiting to be turned into something...

"Look mama!! It's a pinecone castle!!"


Moments to treasure

Morning snuggles....as the sun streams through the windows, 
you open your eyes and move to snuggle closer. 
You come fully awake quickly, but we stay in bed silently enjoying the warm, cozy covers.
Reaching for my hand you turn it over, inspecting each finger, tracing every line on my palm.
It's these fleeting moments I treasure, moments that slip by so quickly each day, 
each week, each month, moving into years.
I am holding these moments in my heart forever, storing them up to recall 
for days you are not here....days when you have grown older, 
days when you are finding your own path in life.


Getting settled

A treasure collection Punkin' carefully curates

Planting indoor plants on this rainy day
"Hi palm tree. How are you?"..."Mama, he said he needs a bigger pot and some water."

Crocheting some plant coasters for the freshly potted plants


On coming back

It's been over 2 years since my last post, with many changes and moves in between
then and now.
We've lived in the Pacific Northwest for 2 years, right near the ocean.
We moved to the Midwest for a mere 4 months.
And now we are here. Surrounded by this beautiful mountain wilderness (though living in a neighborhood, lest there be any confusion :-) )....as before, many of my posts will be pictures, but I am going to try my hand at some writing here and there. So glad to be back in this little corner of the world wide web :-)