
I just realized it’s been almost a month since my last post – oh how quickly time goes by (and yes I do realize the title of this post is backwards)!!
We have finally gotten snow that has stuck for more than a few hours, albeit only an inch or so.
I have to say, moving here, “Handsome” and I expected snow (that sticks) much earlier, and have been a little disappointed at the lack of fluffy whiteness…
“Punkin’” is growing so fast – close to 6 1/2 months now – and is desperate to crawl,
but hasn’t quite gotten the hang of it yet.
She discovered shadows today, when we went upstairs to put some things away.
The afternoon sun was coming through our bedroom window,
casting a shadow of the window on the wall behind our bed.
As we walked by the window, she noticed our shadows move across the wall.
Setting her on the pillow on the bed, I snapped a few pictures…

And since we are on the topic of discoveries, here’s my little discovery of the day – chewy, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate oatmeal cookies (sans gluten, dairy and eggs)…

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