
It's early morning.
I should be closing my eyes, catching up on long lost sleep, but I can't help myself.
My heart is full of love for you, thankfulness for you.
Your sweet spirit, your beautiful heart, your smart mind.
Your long lashes rest softly on your round baby cheeks,
your plump little lips somewhere between a tiny pout and a contented smile,
your belly, full of mama milk, gently rising and falling with each breath you take.
You look so peaceful, so safe and secure, knowing that daddy and I are right there next to you,
should you need a snuggle or a smile or a little tune to hum you back to sleep.
What are you dreaming, my sweet angel baby?
What do you see in the stillness of your sleep?

I can't imagine missing these moments.
The tiny corner of bed I hover on as you sprawl out comfortably is as the softest cloud to me.
Just knowing that you are near brings rest to my heart.
When you wake up, smiling sleepily at daddy and I,
and doing goofy little things to make us laugh...
I live for those moments...they are just a whisper in the span of life,
priceless memories to hold near.

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